Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...almost

Here's a bit of a picture post to briefly catch up on the past couple weeks. (For Susan's wedding, see the next post.)

These are the delicious treats I made for co-workers as a "holiday happy".  Waffle shaped pretzels with Hershey kisses, hugs, and caramel-filled on top.  Put in the oven at 170 degrees for about 5 minutes.  Take out of oven and press an M&M into the chocolate.  Refrigerate until no longer melty. Yum!

This is our "6-foot" Christmas tree.  Note that it's only 6 feet tall if you stand the top "branch" all the way up.  Because we don't have an angel or a star yet (after Christmas sale, here I come!), I put the favors from Susan's wedding on top - yellow, star-shaped suckers.

Unfortunately, Boris went to the big fishbowl in the sky yesterday morning.  For several weeks now, he has been very inactive.  I even got a heater for his bowl, but it didn't seem to help.  Since Davis and I were going to PetsMart anyway, I decided we should adopt a new Betta.  I am happy to introduce Cecil- a crowntail betta.

As a Christmas present for Oscar and Einstein, we got them a new (plastic) plant.  We also got them some tasty Christmas treats - 5 minnows and 2 small goldfish.  Einstein ate 2 minnows and half of a goldfish yesterday, but Oscar seemed very uninterested, which is highly unusual.  As of this morning, there were 2 minnows and a goldfish left.  Now, however, there is 1 of each (see bottom left of the tank), and Oscar and Einstein don't seem to care.

Now, I'm going to get started on preparing food for lunch/dinner tomorrow!
French bread & cheese spread
Glazed ham
Twice-baked potatoes
Steamed broccoli
Grasshopper pie

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