Saturday, October 8, 2011

Attack of the Zombies

I spend an hour every day out on the playground - two 30-minute sessions.  Our principal encourages us to interact with our students while we're out there, which I love.  I play a lot of tag/chase, which can be fairly humorous with 4-year-olds.  At any point in time I could have 5 kids tagging me telling me that I'm "it".  I crawl through tunnels, climb up walls, and fly down slides.  A lot of the boys enjoy being some kind of character - bad guys, good guys, animals - and chasing each other.  So, I decided to join in the fun.

When asking the boys what they were, here were their responses:
a Pokemon
a wild cat
a ninja
a pirate
a werewolf

What could I be that would be interesting and exciting to 4-year-old boys?  A zombie.  Yep, I became a zombie.  I started walking funny and chanting "I will eat your brain".  I followed them around the playground; when I caught them, I "ate" their brain.  One of the boys caught on to what I was doing and decided he wanted to be a zombie too.  However, when I tried to eat his brain I found out that zombies don't eat each other's brains (obviously).  In five minutes, every child involved in the game became zombies and were walking around the playground as such saying "I will eat your brain".

And that's how I converted my PreK-ers into a hoard of zombies.


  1. Don't you just love 5 year olds? I had one of them talk to me the entire recess about the Star Wars movie. He was a big fan.

  2. I was Wonder Woman the other day, but I am usually told to be Batman or Robin.
