Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Per the request of my father (and my grandmother via my father), I am updating the blog.  I don't mean to leave you hanging, it's just that I can't think straight by the time I make it home from a day in Pre-K, which means that my post would probably be somewhat incoherent.

As far as Pre-K world goes, things are starting to smooth out.  We finally got our scheduled nailed down (only took us 6 weeks!).  We are now going outside before lunch instead of before nap - which was a nightmare.  For our non-nappers, we have quiet activities such as puzzles and books for them to do in the second half of naptime.  I've also picked up several books on CD that we play for the second half (thank goodness for public libraries!).  One of our students who is very active and can't stay still for naptime actually sits and listens to the stories.  When one is over, he applauds and says "Yay!"  It's actually quite adorable.

I'm still struggling with being a para, but getting the hang of my role.  I am glad that I get the chance to see what being a teacher is like before jumping in head-first.  It is currently 6:25pm, and I have yet to receive a lesson plan for next week, which is one of the thing that kills me most.  I don't know if my lead teacher is required to send me the plans, but receiving it on Monday morning gives me about 15 minutes to prepare for the day before going to car rider duty.  I'm hoping that improves.  I'm trying to give her some slack because she is a first year teacher, and I know she's got a lot being thrown at her right now.  Still.

On the home front, things are going pretty well.  The fish are doing fine except for the fact that Oscar (Davis's fish) eats all of the food before Einstein (my fish) gets a chance to.  Thus, Oscar is getting fat and Einstein hides in a bowl all day.  We also think that Einstein might be blind in one eye, which explains why he can't find the food.  Boris is still alive, though is he quite obviously getting old.  He spends most of the day sideways in the rocks at the bottom until I shake food in.  It's the only time of the day that he gets excited.

Davis sold a car yesterday.  Hooray!  I think that brings it up to 3 this month.  Luckily, he grossed a lot on that one car, which means commission on that car will be larger than normal.

As my parents keeps not-so-subtly hinting, they are eager for us to come home to visit.  Davis and I are both a bit homesick for family at the moment, and we're concocting a plan to come home at the beginning of Thanksgiving week.  Davis only gets that Thursday off, but if he could get Tuesday off (regular schedule rotation) and ask for Wednesday, we could both come.  If not, I'll be flying solo.

Finally, I'm getting really excited for Susan's bachelorette party.  For those of you who don't know, Susan is one of my best friends from Madison, and she is getting married in TWO months (and one day)!  I am so excited for her and Andrew! Her bachelorette weekend will be spent in Memphis, which means a road trip for me.  (The real disaster, however, is that I will miss the LSU-Bama game...)


  1. Perhaps you should have your priorities moved back into the proper order. LSU-Bama game first, bachelorette party second. Or, watch the game while partying with your friends. That works here in the true south.

  2. I wish I could watch and party at the same time! However, I think I'm the lone Bama fan (and no LSU fans that are attending). All the others cheer for Ole Miss or MSU - blech!
