Okay, this is another post taking place quite a bit after our last appointment (which was last Tuesday), BUT I couldn't share the gender last week because we hadn't told our parents yet. So, here are all the details about our Big Week last week.
First of all, I have to say that waiting to find out Baby May's gender was so hard. Especially since our appointment got pushed back a week until the regular ultrasound technician could come back from medical leave. When we got to the doctor's office, the waiting room was buzzing with excited couples - a majority of them were there to find out their baby's gender as well. There was even an entire French family with the parents and siblings of the expectant couple.
When we finally got called back for our turn, it took an excruciatingly long time to go through the checklist of other things the technician had to locate in Baby May - kidneys, lungs, spine, fingers, toes, etc. And yes, all of those things are important - thankfully God has blessed us with a baby who shows no signs of risks or complications. But we all know that the fun part of this appointment was finding out the gender! FINALLY the technician got down to the business of finding "girl parts" or "boy parts" - not an easy task since Baby May decided to curl over, face down (obviously taking after Aunt Amanda!) When she announced that we were having a BOY, Davis said, "YES! I win!" (Think he was excited?) I was not particularly shocked at the announcement - I've said since the beginning that I had a feeling it was a girl, which meant it was probably a boy. I probably would have been more shocked if she had said girl.
As silly as this sounds, Davis and I have had a boy name picked out for several years now - probably since shortly after we got engaged in March 2009. I have always wanted to choose names that were meaningful and somehow connected with familial names. We chose Ellis James May. Both of our fathers are Robert (and both go by Bob); we opted to choose their middle names (Ellis from Davis's dad and James from mine). To us, these are two of the strongest, most inspiring men in our lives. I pray that Ellis will grow up to be like these two men and like his Daddy.
However, our Big Week doesn't stop there (bet you thought you were done, huh?)
After the gender appointment, I had an interview at my school for a Pre-K position (which is certified). I felt like I was flying the whole time I was in the interview from our Baby May news, which probably made me less anxious about the whole process. I left feeling pretty good about the interview (hey - I talked until I was hoarse, so I knew I gave them as much information about me as I could). That evening as I was driving home from getting a hair cut and oil change, I got a call from the school. The call came at 6:15 which immediately made me question what's wrong? Ms. Kennedy said she just wanted to go ahead and let me know that I was being offered the Pre-K spot, which I accepted multiple times!
I'm not sure how I made it through the end of last week, but we finally made it to Friday afternoon when we got to go home and announce the job and Baby May's gender! (For more information on the big reveal and for some pictures, look for a follow-up post in the next few days.)
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