Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Baby May is the Size of a Peach!

This is going to be a brief update (I promise!)

Yesterday I got to meet my NEW doctor for the first time, and she was fabulous! She took plenty of time to talk to me about my medical history, pregnancy symptoms, and get to know me in general.

I got to hear the heartbeat again (and she let me listen for a good long time). The heartbeat is about 160 beats per minute, which is (apparently) a little on the higher side of the normal range. We also did a sonogram and got to see the baby in profile. The baby measured in at 51.9mm (2 inches for those of us who can't convert that in our heads). And we know that there are at least 5 fingers because it has its little hand up waving to us.

Now, some pictures!

This is a picture of me at 11 weeks - no baby bump just yet... (Also notice that I'm wearing a summer dress because it was 70+ degrees that day!)

And I'm going to end this post with Baby May's first official picture:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Baby May is the Size of a Plum

Time for an update!

Weeks: 12

Size: 2.1 inches (unless he/she's short like his/her Mama!), .49 ounces

Baby News: We went to an appointment on March 12, and we got to see the heartbeat pumping away! Unfortunately, we were incredibly disappointed with the doctor and clinic, so we have since found a new one. The doctor I saw for this appointment spent more time showing me my kidney and bladder than the baby (Um, who cares about seeing their bladder - you know it's there every time you go to the bathroom!) We also felt rushed and a little bullied into making choices and appointments without receiving a lot of information, so we knew it was time to find a new one. I found a new OB in Decatur who was recommended by a coworker. We don't have much time before we have to do the first trimester screen (done between 11 and 13 weeks), so I'm jumping in head-first with this new doctor. Hopefully, it's the right choice.

Symptoms: Exhaustion is still hanging around, but it's getting better. A bit of Barq's root beer is a nice pick-me-up if I want to do something besides go to bed as soon as I get home. Morning sickness is pretty much gone, as long as I eat breakfast and lunch with my students (as opposed to skipping breakfast and eating a late lunch).

Aversions: I've found that Italian food and pasta have become generally unappealing. Whatever I think sounds good for dinner at 3:30 on my way home sounds terrible by the time Davis gets home at 6. I've also had problems with actually taking time to cook food and then deciding when it's finished that, no, I really wanted cinnamon rolls instead. I don't eat desserts much any more, because I find they are just too rich for me.

Cravings: Okay, no real cravings yet, unless you count wanting a Smoothie King raspberry collider and Little Caesar's but not being able to find either. I do eat a lot of cinnamon/sugary things, like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, cinnamon-sugar bagels, cinnamon rolls. It seems that lightly flavored, sweet foods are always an okay choice. Three boxes of cereal has been consumed over the last couple weeks as well. Also, most forms of chicken are acceptable.

Comments from Others: I've gotten a kick out of hearing baby-related comments from others! In the past week I've heard "Oh, you've got a little pooch showing.", "Looks like you're losing weight. That's good because it means you'll be all baby!", "I think you've got a butt now. (To which I responded "I think I've always had one...")". I'm also getting a lot of "Don't carry this...don't lift that." "Stop reaching above your head, it'll make your boobs get bigger."

Stay tuned for more updates as Baby May goes from Plum to Peach to Lemon!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


It would seem like "scared" would be an appropriate emotion right now, but I'm guessing most of you would pair that word with "having a baby". And you would be wrong, at least at the moment. Yes, I'm occasionally unsure and sometimes worried about the whole being a mom part, but in general I feel pretty okay about it.

Rather, what I am scared about is my search (once again) for a certified teaching position. It's the time of year when resumes are updated, jobs are posted, and applications are completed. It's the time of year when I must make a decision that will impact my future. Do I stay with City Schools of Decatur, or do I try other, much larger districts? Do I stay at College Heights where I know and love the staff, or do I strike out for another school? Do I stay with Pre-K where I'm comfortable, or do I venture into Elementary, my first love?

This year, the first question is easy - I will certainly be staying with CSD. This is a district that inspires me and makes me want to be the best teacher I can be. I've only been here two years, but I can honestly say that I feel right at home here.

As for the questions about whether to stay at College Heights and hopefully move into a certified Pre-K position, I can't answer yet. Yes, I would like to stay at College Heights; I know the staff, the routines, the expectations. But I also have to try for the other Elementary positions that have been posted in the district. (Because, let's face it, I can't keep making what I'm making! To put it in perspective, I could work 22 years as a preschool teacher and my salary still would not be as much as a first year pre-k - 12 teacher. On the bright side, I'll never complain about how much I make as a certified teacher!)

Although only time will tell, I am nervous about the next several weeks. I pray that I will be invited to interviews - Elementary and Pre-K! I pray that God will show me where I'm supposed to be. I pray that after this year, I can stop searching and finally find my classroom home.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Baby May is the Size of an Olive!

So, I'm taking a page out of my friend, Katie's, previous blog posts. She recently had an adorable little girl, and I enjoyed the way she kept everyone updated about what was going on.

Katie, if you're reading this, thanks for the ideas!

Weeks: 9.5

Morning Sickness: I think I've finally got a handle on handling the morning sickness - at least most of the time! I usually get it right when I wake up, especially if my stomach is empty. This hunger-induced nausea is most easily solved by eating something light like a cereal bar. Other nausea that occurs can last either all day, or it pops up around dinner and lasts until bedtime. Ginger ale and peppermints usually help alleviate some of the symptoms.

Fatigue: I have been SOOO tired this past week. There have been several days when I use my 30 minute "break" to nap. Of course, right after my break is nap time for the kids, so I have to be careful NOT to sit down in the dark, quiet, lullaby-filled room; that leads to me napping along with the kids. I've needed to go to bed early pretty much every night, but that's impossible on Monday and Tuesday when I have grad school. On those days I usually nap in my car before I go into class.

Happy Foods: I've found that there are some foods that tend to agree with my stomach, especially when it comes to combatting nausea. Grilled chicken, goldfish, raspberry cereal bars, ginger ale, fruit-flavored popsicles, and deli sandwiches (the kind from Arby's or Lenny's). I've also been eating a lot of Crispy Rice cereal and rice-based dishes (like gumbo and stir fry).

Smells: On days when I've felt particularly sick, certain smells have nearly knocked me over. The smell of the grocery store when you first walk in, spaghetti being served in the cafeteria, and spending time in certain restaurants are some particular times when I've had to leave rather quickly.

Baby Bump: Not really at this point - just bit of a pudge that I'm pretty sure was forming before I got pregnant. However, my checklist on "" keeps telling me to take a belly picture. I have yet to take their advice.

Clothing: My pants are definitely getting tighter, as are certain shirts. The pants problem I've been able to solve by pushing them a little lower below my stomach, right on my hips. I'm having to wear slightly looser shirts, which are more comfortable anyway. I'm hoping that I'll be able to save some money on maternity clothes by wearing sundresses and loose summer clothing. It just needs to warm up first! Also, I just found a cute dress shop here in Norcross that has incredibly reasonably priced clothes that are nice and flowy (and you get 20% off on your birthday!)

Thankful: I am so thankful for everyone who has made this process as easy as possible (so far). In particular, my husband, who has done everything from massage my back to clean the house to stand in the freezing cold to get the cookie dough ice cream I wanted.
My graduate professor understood when I was too sick for class last Monday, and has already worked out me missing some classes in the fall when I have the Little One.
Also, my principal is working with me on making my doctor's appointments since I have to leave work around 2 to make it on time.
And I can't forget my Mama! She makes a great sounding board when I need to ask someone whether I can still eat deli meat without fearing contracting listeria or how to "fix" morning sickness!

We haven't had our first OB appointment yet, but that's set for March 12. I'll be at the end of 11 weeks, and we're hoping we can hear the heartbeat! I'm ready for a sonogram, because right now, all I can envision is a raspberry or olive or whatever food the baby is currently the size of - and what an image that is!